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  • 商品編號: dj0442
    出版社: 大展
  • 作者: 李壽堂
    出版日: 2014/11/01
    ISBN13: 9789863460442
    商品狀態: 一般
    裝訂: 平裝148x210mm
    頁數: 217
  • 定價:  NT$300元
    匯率參考:  換算成人民幣
  • 優惠價:  9 NT$270元
  • 商品庫存: 1
  • 購買數量:
  • 點擊數: 4187
    會員評價: comment rank 5


  1. 88式太極拳以在民間流傳最廣的楊式傳統太極拳85式為基礎,既保留了楊式太極拳的基本要領和結構,又簡化了動作難度,易學易練,便於推廣。
  2. 88式太極拳的基本動作特點是在楊式新架的基礎上進行了改編,與傳統的練法有所不同。它符合社會發展的需要,重點突出了健身和醫療價值,淡化了攻防內容,做到了與時俱進。
  3. 在演練的時間和速度上符合科學的要求,練一套大約需要20分鐘,充分發揮了健身和醫療保健的作用,對提高全民健康水準和人民精神素質大有好處。


The 88-form Taiji Quan is another modern sport issued by the Chinese Sports Committee after the simplified Taiji Quan was published in 1956.
In 1956, the famous Wushu expert Li Tianji, who was working in the Chinese Sports Committee at the time, and some other relevant experts committed themselves promoting the prevalence of the Yang style Taiji Quan. They simplified the traditional 85-form of the Yang style while retaining its basic principle and form structure. As a result, it was adapted into 88-form Taiji Quan, which was finally issued in 1958. This form of Tai Chi spread all over the country within a short period and became very popular among Taiji Quan enthusiasts. It was especially welcomed by the people in the late 1950's and the early 1960's, which was a tough time in Chinese history.
The merits of the 88-form Taiji Quan include:
1. The 88-form Taiji Quan was based on the widespread Yang style of the 85-form Taiji Quan, and retained its basic
principle and structure while reducing the difficulty, so that it is easier to learn, easier to teach, and easier to practice. Simplified from the widespread Yang style of the 85-form Taiji Quan while retaining its basic principle and structure, the 88-form Taiji Quan is easier to learn and to practice.
2. The main features of 88-form Taiji Quan was adapted from the new Yang style Taiji Quan, different in some aspects from the traditional one, and its functions of health preservation and medical value were enhanced, adapting to the needs of the modern society. With the original parts of attacking and defending omitted, it's now focusing on the health-improvement and the medical effect.
3. Approximately 20 minutes are needed to complete the form. The time and speed to practice 88-form Taiji Quan have been adjusted according to the scientific standards. It is very effective in improving both the physical and the mental health of the people who practice it.
88-form Taiji Quan has been practiced for about 50 years. Recently, however, relatively less people practice 88-form than those who perform and exercise other competition forms or traditional routines, especially among young people. This book explains the steps of the 88-form Taiji Quan in detail. We hope that everyone will benefit from this book immensely.

Note: The new Yang style
In 1929, Li Jinglin, the deputy director of Nanking Association of National Arts, appealed for setting up Taiji Quan classes in the Shandong Association of National Arts in order to promote the Taiji Quan sport. He invited Yang Chengpu, the modern father of Yang style Taiji Quan, to edit the Taiji Quan form three times, which was demonstrated by Li Yulin, the dean of Shandong Association of National Arts (at that time). The new Yang style was formed after asking for suggestions from Yang Chengpu and his apprentices, Wu Huichuan, Chen Weiming, Chu Guiting and so on. Mr. Li Tianji is Mr. Li Yulin's son, and they both made laudable contributions to the new style. Both simplified Taiji Quan and the 88-form Taiji Quan were created based on the new Yang style.

88-form Taiji Quan Spectrum
88-Form Taiji Quan Detail Explanation Step By Step
Group 1
 Group 2
 Group 3
 Group 4
 Group 5
 Group 6





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